Avoid overstepping your bounds

十一月号的 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®包含 an article about the fine line of a buyer’s agent working directly with a seller at the request of the listing broker. Bonnie Wilson of San Antonio wrote in to remind us that TAR offers a form for this situation: Notice From Buyer’s Agent to Seller (含1504). “This little form may come in handy when a situation like this occurs.”


Have you been threatened by a frivolous patent-infringement lawsuit? In a recent TAR legal victory, the association successfully argued for the invalidation of a patent that had been used to sue Texas real estate brokerages. 坦普尔的琳达·沃克 祝贺我们的胜利. “Thank you all at TAR for everything you do on our behalf, both in the forefront and behind the scenes,她写道。. “不要使用TAR,” wrote J圣安东尼奥的eff Kahn. 旺达·让·德弗罗, 大卫·戴维斯, 康妮镶嵌地块, 丹·巴雷特, 邦妮布朗, 埃琳娜一个 also chimed in to say job well done.


Some members would prefer it if the Texas Real Estate Commission didn’t make its forms available to the public. “I don’t agree that these forms should be available to people without a license,” wrote 佩里顿的雪莉·霍华德. “Nothing is stopping people downloading the forms and filling them out for friends and neighbors.” Adriana Dwiggins of Harlingen agreed with Shirley: “TREC forms are always misused because … friends help friends.”